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Some things to learn/need to know

James Williams

I am often asked "what are the basic things a beginner should learn".

Well, whether you are learning guitar or ukulele there are some things you really need to learn. Here is my basic learning list:

1. know the note names of all the open strings
2. know the numbers assigned to each string from top to bottom
3. know the fret numbers
4. know at least some of the instrument part names. e.g. saddle, nut etc
5. know how to tune the instrument with and without a tuner
6. know how to change strings
7. know then names of all the notes covering at least the first five frets
8. know the naming convention for the fingers of the right and left hands
9. know and choose how to hold the instrument
10. know how to read chord diagrams
11. know how to read TABS and the basics of traditional music notation
12. know how and where to place your fingers on the fingerboar
13. know how chords are built including major, minor and 7th chords
14. know some basic scales
15. know something about chord progressions
16. know something about strumming patterns and strumming notation
17. know how to palm mute strings
18. know how to hammer-on and pull-off notes
19. know how to develop the technique of using all four fingers in sequence playing single strings
and finally, for number 20, make playing practice a regular habit from the start. 

Above all - have fun.

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